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Executive Recruiter 高管招聘人员
面议 广州天河区 应届毕业生 本科
斯依兹人才顾问(广州)有限公司 2024-08-31 07:06:56
Executive Recruiter 高管招聘人员
面议 广州天河区 应届毕业生 本科
斯依兹人才顾问(广州)有限公司 2024-08-31 07:06:56
Position Overview(职位概述): Responsible for recruiting senior management and professional technical talents, ensuring the company finds suitable candidates within the stipulated time frame. 负责高层管理人员和专业技术人才的招聘工作,确保公司在规定时间内找到合适的候选人。 Main Responsibilities(主要职责): 1.Communicate with clients to understand their recruitment needs and job requirements. 与客户沟通,了解他们的招聘需求和职位要求。 2.Develop recruitment strategies and plans, conduct market research, and identify potential candidates. 制定招聘策略和计划,进行市场调研,挖掘潜在候选人。 3.Post job information and screen resumes using various recruitment channels (e.g., job sites, social media, internal database). 使用各种招聘渠道(如招聘网站、社交媒体、内部数据库等)发布职位信息并筛选简历。 4.Conduct preliminary interviews and assessments of candidates, prepare recommendation reports, and recommend suitable candidates to clients. 进行候选人初步面试和评估,撰写推荐报告并向客户推荐合适的人选。 5.Arrange and coordinate interviews between candidates and clients, track interview progress, and provide timely feedback on interview results. 安排并协调候选人与客户的面试,跟踪面试进展,及时反馈面试结果。 6.Maintain good communication with candidates, assist in salary negotiations, and prepare for onboarding. 与候选人保持良好的沟通,协助薪酬谈判及入职准备。 7.Maintain and manage the candidate database, build a talent reserve. 维护和管理候选人数据库,建立人才储备。 8.Stay updated on industry trends and market changes, providing consulting services and recruitment advice. 关注行业动态和市场变化,提供咨询服务和招聘建议。 Requirements(任职要求): 1.Bachelor’s degree or above, preferably in Human Resource Management, Business Administration, or related fields. 本科及以上学历,优先考虑人力资源管理、工商管理等相关专业。 2.At least 3 years of relevant work experience in headhunting or human resources, with experience in high-end position recruitment preferred. 至少3年以上猎头或人力资源相关工作经验,有高端职位招聘经验者优先。 3.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, adept at building and maintaining client relationships. 具有优秀的沟通能力和人际交往能力,善于建立和维护客户关系。 4.Strong market analysis and judgment skills, capable of effectively identifying and attracting outstanding talents. 具有较强的市场分析能力和判断力,能够有效识别和吸引优秀人才。 5.Familiarity with various recruitment channels and tools, with a good team spirit. 熟悉各种招聘渠道和工具,具备良好的团队合作精神。 6.Results-oriented, with a high sense of responsibility and ability to work under pressure. 结果导向,具有高度的责任心和抗压能力。 Salary and Benefits(薪资待遇): 1.Competitive compensation package, including base salary, performance bonuses, and benefits. 提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇,包括基本工资、绩效奖金和福利待遇。 2.Opportunities for career development and training, supporting personal growth and career advancement. 提供职业发展和培训机会,支持个人成长和职业晋升。 NOTICE: Please send your resume in both Chinese and English to: ********************* 请将您的中英文简历发送至:*********************
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